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8 Quick Tips That Will Help You Get Hired Fast Use a Recruiter: Sounds simple but this is t...

8 Quick Tips That Will Help You Get Hired Fast

Use a Recruiter: Sounds simple but this is the easiest way to jump the queue and your CV sent directly to hiring manager. Job boards and social networks have so many fake or on-hold jobs, it’s hard to know what is worth your time. Most recruiters don’t get paid commission unless they place you, so it is well within their interest not to waste their and your time.

Make sure you have you Social Media “Job Prospecting Ready”: More and more employers are doing Social Media searches these days. Ensure there is nothing that could put off a potential employer on any of your platforms. LinkedIn should be in-line with your CV as that is the first-place people will check. Make sure you have a suitable photo as a profile at the very least – “Marbella 2016” isn’t going to cut it.

Make sure your CV gets opened by recruiter or potential Employer: Cut the waffle, you only have a few seconds to impress a hiring manager in order that they open your CV for a read. Writing a tailored email which highlights your skills and experience that are specifically suitable for this position will do that. Sending out a standard email will only put you in-line with everyone else. Think of a Subject to the Email that will make you stand out – “Project Manager with 10 years PPC Experience – CV Enclosed”

Target Your CV to the Job: It’s not just your introduction email or covering letter. Your CV should be edited and tweaked, so it’s as close a match to the job as possible. Make sure the relevant experience or headlines jump out at the top of the CV so that a Hiring Manager or Recruiter wants to continue reading. Make sure you then save the CV titled with the company name, so you know which CV you have sent to which company.

Include More Than Full-Time Employment on Your CV: If you’ve been out of work, you don’t want your resume to look like you haven’t done anything since you were last employed. There are other things besides your employment history you can add as valid skills for specific jobs.

Network: It's an essential component of a successful job search. You never know who can help you find your next position unless you tell your connections that you’re looking for a job.

References can get you a noticed: References are important, and employers check them nearing the end of recruitment process. Get ahead and make your CV stand out by getting them for when you are making applications, they will add a lot of credibility to your CV. Get recommendations from bosses, co-workers, clients, subordinates, and suppliers. Store them on sites like LinkedIn and share them whenever possible. 

Always Proofread Before Hitting "Send": Before you submit an application online or email a cover letter or thank-you note, make sure to read carefully for typos. In particular, check that you've spelled the company's and hiring manager's names correctly. FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT