This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week, which has led to reflections on how employee wellbeing has been pushed to the forefront in the past couple of years. Discussions around mental health in the workplace and how employers can offer support to their staff have become more prevalent and is only growing in importance… As we spend a third of our waking hours at work, it’s inevitable that wellbeing in the office has a big impact on our wellbeing overall.
The Mental Health Foundation have named this year’s theme ‘loneliness’, as it can have a massive impact on a person’s mental state. This theme is partially due to changes in the working environment post Covid- with alterations such as remote work, the increased reliance on tech and loss of physical connection- resulting in feelings of isolation among colleagues and friends.
This highlights the importance of employee wellbeing at work, which can be linked to a range of benefits favouring both the employee and employer. These include increased productivity and motivation, improved team morale, and decreased work-related stress.
The main pillars of employee wellbeing can be defined as the following: job security, financial security, health, support, protection, and work/life balance. As a result, we’ve complied the following list which contribute towards a successful workplace environment, nurturing employers needs:
- Social initiatives / company events
- Companywide meetings
- Flexible working hours
- Employee recognition programs
- Personal development meetings
- Mental health resources
How has your business created a company culture which values staff and prioritises employee wellbeing?